Baumgartner’s – Ham and Bean Soup

Sugar Grove – Grilled Ham
Country Ham Slices
- 1 slice of ham per person
- Liquid: Cola, lemon-lime soda, apple juice, 7-up (your choice)
Cooking Instructions
- Place ham slices in warm skillet with equal parts of carbonated beverage and water.
- When cooking keep liquid covering the bottom of the skillet.
- Cook meat slowly for 8-10 minutes or until the meat is cooked through.
- Serve hot.
Baking Instructions
- You can use the same liquids and bake the ham (usually the ham will be less salty if baked).
- Again, make sure the meat is covered while baking.
- Meat should be cooked with a sealed lid.
- Bake at 300 degrees til cooked through.
Source: Baumgartner’s Boone County, Missouri, Country Cured Hams Since 1988 (boonecountyham.com)